Category Archives: Uncategorized

Simple Fan Dipole

After starting life as a fan dipole, my home antenna was later converted into a single 40m dipole due to unwanted interaction between the bands (at the time 40/30m).  Recently, the need to operate multiple bands made me reconsider my … Continue reading

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Simple & Cheap Speaker Upgrade

This will be a very brief post but I thought it too good not to share.  For some time now I’ve had my FT847 in a less than ideal position meaning I’ve either had muffled audio from the internal speaker … Continue reading

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Upgrade: Yaesu MH-31 to Studio Mic

Some time ago I started receiving reports that the audio on my FT847 was very narrow. After much investigation and eventually swapping mics with my FT817 I realised it was the mic that was faulty. Oddly, swapping the mic element … Continue reading

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Pixie CW Transceiver

Here’s a quick review of the Pixie CW Transceiver, built for 40m.  I ordered two identical kits from China via ebay, one for myself and another for a friend.  The kits arrived and appeared to be well put together;  the … Continue reading

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Review: Atom 40S Mobile Antenna

My previous experiences with HF mobile antennas have not been so great.  On a previous car a pro-am/hamstick mounted on the boot required bonding of the boot to car body with copper in order to ensure a good enough ‘ground’; … Continue reading

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Alternative, Portable or Mobile?

The UK licence conditions seem fairly clear when it comes to the definitions of mobile and portable; however on deeper analysis it’s clear some degree of interpretation is needed. Following a recent heated (to put it mildly) debate on the … Continue reading

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Unexpected QRP Success

A few QRP CQ calls this afternoon on 40m resulted in a nice mini pile-up!  Running 5W from the FT847 to the 40m garden dipole, the first station to respond was F5BDK (Mario, near Paris). This was quickly followed by … Continue reading

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Random Wire Loop Antenna

I’ve recently been researching multi band antennas. My first thought was to remove the balun from my 40m dipole, feed with ladder line from an external auto-ATU and treat as a doublet. However, in several auto ATU manuals one antenna … Continue reading

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FT817 Chinese TCXO and Collins 2.3 kHz SSB Filter

Operating on the crowded 40m band has made me appreciate the need for good filters. I’d read many comments regarding filter brands and bandwidths, plus viewed several videos that show an FT817 with collins filter fitted and the author stating … Continue reading

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G6LVB (LVB) Tracker

This has been a long running project.  I bought the LVB Tracker kit (inc LCD display) probably a year ago and construction took place over a rainy weekend. However, programming the PIC has not been so simple. Importing the provided … Continue reading

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