Category Archives: Uncategorized

M0SPN in CQ Magazine!

Fame at last!

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20 Minute Homebrew 3 Element 70cm Yagi

A video showing my 20 minute emergency homebrew 3 ele beam. It’s ugly but it works!

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Raspberry Pi, TNC-Pi and TCP/IP over AX25 demo!

A 10 minute video showing my current favourite combination of toys; the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi! TCP/IP over 1200 baud packet has never been so much fun :p

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TNC-Pi, Raspberry Pi & TCP/IP over ax.25 (Linux)

A TNC-Pi, built and fitted on top of a Raspberry Pi.  Testing running both standard ax25 plus TCP/IP over ax25 (slow but entertaining!).  Built and tested at Swindon Hackspace.  

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Linux Soundmodem AX25 & UV-3R

Linux sound card modem, AX25 kernel module, DIY soundcard interface and Baofeng UV-3R using VOX PTT.  The VOX function is a little slow to release however it does work.

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Wiltshire/Swindon Packet Radio

Now active on packet using an IC208 and PK-88.  Maildrop running 24/7 (or use M0SPN @ GB7COW).  Currently investigating a multi-band solution using the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi.

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My Musical Project ‘Coherer’ (embedded SSTV)

In addition to my Amateur Radio interests I’m also a keen musician. I write under the name ‘Coherer’ (itself a reference to radio) and enjoy embedding radio related geekery in my tracks. SSTV, CW and ‘numbers stations’ can be found … Continue reading

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Another year passed…

Lack of time and the death of my radio PC conspired against me.  However I’ve used the xmas break to cobble together a new radio PC.  This is an old AMD Athlon XP 2000;  I’ve upgraded the RAM to 1Gb, … Continue reading

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M0SPN Back On Air!

After another year or two break I’m now back on the air.  Over the xmas holiday period I’ve been working PSK31 & SSTV primarily on 40 & 20m.  Stations worked include DA0NR, RA6ASU, TF2CT, K8WDX, G3YSK and DR11BUGA (all PSK31) … Continue reading

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