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- Bob G4BGQ on G6LVB (LVB) Tracker
- Owen on Vertical vs Horizontal – HF Monopole vs Dipole
- Mark Taylor on QRP FT8 Operating Tips
- Andy on G6LVB (LVB) Tracker
- Richard M1HAX on An Introduction to JS8CALL
20 Minute Homebrew 3 Element 70cm Yagi
A video showing my 20 minute emergency homebrew 3 ele beam. It’s ugly but it works!
Raspberry Pi, TNC-Pi and TCP/IP over AX25 demo!
A 10 minute video showing my current favourite combination of toys; the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi!
TCP/IP over 1200 baud packet has never been so much fun :p
TNC-Pi, Raspberry Pi & TCP/IP over ax.25 (Linux)
A TNC-Pi, built and fitted on top of a Raspberry Pi. Testing running both standard ax25 plus TCP/IP over ax25 (slow but entertaining!). Built and tested at Swindon Hackspace.
Linux Soundmodem AX25 & UV-3R
Linux sound card modem, AX25 kernel module, DIY soundcard interface and Baofeng UV-3R using VOX PTT. The VOX function is a little slow to release however it does work.
Wiltshire/Swindon Packet Radio
Now active on packet using an IC208 and PK-88. Maildrop running 24/7 (or use M0SPN @ GB7COW). Currently investigating a multi-band solution using the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi.
My Musical Project ‘Coherer’ (embedded SSTV)
In addition to my Amateur Radio interests I’m also a keen musician. I write under the name ‘Coherer’ (itself a reference to radio) and enjoy embedding radio related geekery in my tracks. SSTV, CW and ‘numbers stations’ can be found in various tracks.
Below is a video showing the method used to decode SSTV images in my track ‘Satellite’.
This project has been mentioned in both CQ (USA) and Radio User (UK) magazines.
Another year passed…
Lack of time and the death of my radio PC conspired against me. However I’ve used the xmas break to cobble together a new radio PC. This is an old AMD Athlon XP 2000; I’ve upgraded the RAM to 1Gb, added an additional soundcard (the onboard sound proved buggy under Linux) and added an additional 2xRS232 card. One of the ports is currently connecting to the FT847 for CAT control (hamlib) and the others ports are set aside for dedicated TNCs. I’m currently running PSK/QPSK modes using fldigi and attempting SSTV using the new version of QSSTV. The box is running headless so all GUIs are run remotely over SSH to my main workstation.
So far this year (Q/PSK) I’ve worked UX11W (Serge), DL3DJ (Joerg), SP3SLO (Paul), OS4U (David), G3PQB (Sid) and 2E0ZDX (Phil). I’m trying to stay away from rubber stamp macro QSOs so you may see me calling “CQ NO MACRO” or “CQ KEYBOARD QSO”. It may be a little unconventional but it’s certainly more enjoyable!
M0SPN Back On Air!
After another year or two break I’m now back on the air. Over the xmas holiday period I’ve been working PSK31 & SSTV primarily on 40 & 20m. Stations worked include DA0NR, RA6ASU, TF2CT, K8WDX, G3YSK and DR11BUGA (all PSK31) and IZ3AOY (SSTV).
I’ve also had some success working APRS via both HF and ARISS. Several attempts at capturing data from ARISSAT-1 have failed apart from a few 1 minute sections of voice announcement. Poor location of the 2m colinear is probably not helping.
Setup currently consists of a Yaesu FT847 & ATU feeding a random wire running down the garden.
Membership with the RSGB will commence in the new year and new QSL cards are being printed. Happy to QSL direct or via the bureau.