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Tag Archives: TNC
Introduction to Packet (ax.25)
When starting out with packet I found it difficult to find my way. Several resources exist online but all seem to assume some basic level of understanding, which I clearly lacked. I have to admit here, I’m still new to … Continue reading
Configuring Soundmodem TNC in Ubuntu 14.04
Ubuntu 14.04 (and to some extent previous releases) makes the configuration of the soundmodem driver a little more troublesome as the /dev/dsp device is now obsolete. Below are the steps I’ve just taken to install & run TCP/IP over ax.25 … Continue reading
Raspberry Pi, TNC-Pi and TCP/IP over AX25 demo!
A 10 minute video showing my current favourite combination of toys; the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi! TCP/IP over 1200 baud packet has never been so much fun :p
TNC-Pi, Raspberry Pi & TCP/IP over ax.25 (Linux)
A TNC-Pi, built and fitted on top of a Raspberry Pi. Testing running both standard ax25 plus TCP/IP over ax25 (slow but entertaining!). Built and tested at Swindon Hackspace.
Wiltshire/Swindon Packet Radio
Now active on packet using an IC208 and PK-88. Maildrop running 24/7 (or use M0SPN @ GB7COW). Currently investigating a multi-band solution using the Raspberry Pi and TNC-Pi.
Another year passed…
Lack of time and the death of my radio PC conspired against me. However I’ve used the xmas break to cobble together a new radio PC. This is an old AMD Athlon XP 2000; I’ve upgraded the RAM to 1Gb, … Continue reading